Local History
'Working to preserve the rich heritage of the Temecula Valley'
Temcula Granite Rock Quarries
'Rock Quarries in the News'
Lake Elsinore Valley Press
March 27, 1914

Rock Quarries are Shipping This Week

  Considerable rock is being shipped to Los Angeles from the quarries near here. Last week several carloads of granite blocks were shipped to the Pacific Electric Company in Los Angeles. The three rock quarries often employ as many as twenty-five men. The quarries are owned by Robert and James McGee and Pat Quinn.

Lake Elsinore Valley Press
June 12, 1914

Fine Monuments

  F. L. Fernald has a stone cutting business at Temecula, which in years to come will grow into big proportions if the town develops as rapidly as it should. Mr. Fernald has a first class plant for cutting monuments, and has some of the finest stone from his quarry in the hills nearby we have ever seen. He also has brought some blue granite from the canyon, which is superior to anything found in this section for monumental work. Mr. Fernald also has a large garage business here, and besides runs a store. He is one of the busy men and boosters of the valley.

Local Happenings

  Several carloads of cattle were shipped from Temecula this week. Hardly a week passes that a trainload of cattledoes not leave here. A great deal of building stone is also shipped from the quarries near here.

Lake Elsinore Valley Press
July 13, 1914

Rock Quarries Near Town Busy Place

  The rock quarries in this section are very busy just now, and several of them have large orders, which they are rushing out. The quarries near Elsinore have been working a number of men, and paying out considerable money for labor. The Connolly and Coogan quarries are the largest near town, and slabs are being cut for paving and other purposes. These quarries ship their product from Elsinore to Riverside, Los Angeles and other points.

   Near Temecula there are several quarries, which have been working a large force of men. Contracts have been signed with the Pacific Electric people of Los Angeles for 400,000 paving blocks to be cut from hard stone. At present there about twenty Swedes working in Vicieto canyon, turning out three or four thousand blocks a day. For cutting these blocks the men get $45.00 a thousand. The blocs are hauled by wagon to Temecula and shipped to Los Angeles. It is said the contractors get $55.00 a thousand for the blocks f. o. b. Temecula. There are two kinds of paving blocks; the straight and beveled blocks and the quarryman can make much better time on the straights. Many of them make as high as $5 and $6 a day and only work eight hours, but they have followed the business most of their lives and it is a hard trade to learn. The quarry in Vicieto canyon is being operated by Joe Winkles of Temecula, M. Machado, Mr. Toland and others own valuable rock quarries in the Temecula neighborhood.

Lake Elsinore Valley Press
January 29, 1915

  Robert Magee's stone quarry has just received an order for six carloads of paving stone; 58,500 blocks have been shipped to Los Angeles this month.

   Jake Kuntz had two fingers severely crushed while hauling stone for the Spanish-American quarry last Friday.
Click here to see a pictorial presentation on the quarry process
in the hills south of Temecula.